Their Dream is to Multiply Dreams

The Watersprite Film Festival in Cambridge Nominees Gift Bag with a Cocorose PurseWatersprite Gift Bag
Last week, the 10th Anniversary of the Watersprite Film Festival, held at St John's Old Divinity School in Cambridge, became the hub for young and emerging, international filmmakers with outstanding talent.
The Watersprite Film Festival Nominees Gift Bag had a beautiful Cocorose PurseCocorose ribbons peeking out... what's in the gift bag?

Watersprite are a game-changer festival, run by a student society for the best film students around the world, no matter their background. We are delighted to have worked with Watersprite for the 2nd year and to continue planting with them a seed for the new voices in cinema.

We are proud to have provided the chance for the nominees and guests of the Festival with a beautiful and bespoke Cocorose purse to complement their Festival experience. And the excited looks on their faces at receiving a Cocorose gift says it all and made it all worthwhile...

Our Cocorose Purse was the highlight of The Cambridge Watersprite Film Festival Nominees Gift BagOh Wow! It's a Cocorose Purse!
Nominees and guests at the Watersprite Film Festival received a beautiful and bespoke Cocorose purseNominees and guests at the Watersprite Film Festival received a beautiful and bespoke Cocorose purse

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