Yesterday I Cocorosed It with the Stars

So, day 2 of my challenge...
Here I am in the Shoedoir, hard at work on Facebook and sipping my cup of tea! I had a pretty casual day yesterday and so chose to wear a basic white shirt and my favourite jeans, accessorised with a fun hat and my gorgeous Cocorose foldable ballet pumps that I designed exclusively for the Orange British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) earlier this year. Yes, my only sample of these beautiful shoes so I treasure them!!!!
I did pop over to our warehouse later in the day so on second thoughts, my white shirt wasn't the best choice... but we survived and went on to celebrate the lovely, sunny day with a delicious berry mocktail (oh yes, non alcoholic!).
  Janan Leo, Founder and Creative Director, Cocorose London,

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