Since 2020, with your incredible support, we've been able to raise over £30,000 for The Honeypot Children's Charity.
The Story of The Rainbow Trainers - by Janan

Rainbows of Hope
As the days ticked by during the first Coronavirus lockdown, my daughter Elin and I noticed more and more rainbows cropping up in the windows of neighbouring homes. Elin joined in and drew her rainbow too. Rainbows, always an icon of hope, had also become a symbol of gratitude and support throughout this time.
Economically, the pandemic has caused a global catastrophe, but perhaps the more hidden cost of the pandemic is the effect that it had and will continue to have on mental health, particularly in children and young adults. Having our young daughter Elin brought the seriousness of the situation very close to heart, and Gareth and I found ourselves discussing the broader impact on the next generation... We wanted to do something to help.
April, 2020

Our Design is Born
Using Elin's drawing as inspiration, I designed our very first Hoxton Rainbow Trainer. We decided to partner with The Honeypot Children's Charity and donate £20 from each pair sold to aid their incredible work - helping to support young carers.
We successfully launched our new footwear range during Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, in two signature colourways; Dove Grey and White. It was extremely important to us to maintain the truly high quality of our footwear range, sticking with our fantastic production team - supporting the art of handmade shoes to bring this project to life.
Mental Health Awareness Week - May, 2020

Milestones Reached
Fast-forward to 2022, by which time we had been able to raise £30,000 for The Honeypot Children's Charity - which wouldn't have been possible without your incredible support!
We continue to receive fantastic reviews on these trainers - praising their supreme comfort levels, wearability and longevity. It's no wonder our Hoxton range is such a hit! Thank you for each and every order and review; it means so much as the designer behind these shoes.
February, 2022

More to Come
Raising and surpassing £30,000 gave me new inspiration to create more and expand our Honeypot collaborations!
This project has given me the opportunity to further support local artists and makers - thoughtfully designing a new Natural Wax Candle, and a further addition to our Hoxton Trainer range. Coming Summer 2023...
Summer of 2023

How These Trainers Are Making A Difference
In May 2020, we started working with The Honeypot Children's Charity - donating £20 from each pair of Rainbow Trainers sold, helping them to support young carers between the ages of 5-12 years old. Since 1996, Honeypot have been working to enhance the lives of young carers and give them an opportunity to make happy childhood memories by offering respite and learning breaks and a face-to-face outreach programme. Many of the families that Honeypot support are financially disadvantaged and young carers, because of their caring responsibilities at home, tend to fall behind in school and experience a higher level of bullying than in the general population of young children.
Simmi Woodwal
Chief Executive of Honeypot Children's Charity
"We are immensely proud and excited to be partnering with Cocorose who have launched a beautiful line of products to help raise crucial funds for our young carers. The money raised will support our basket of services which are designed to support young carers, from the age of 5, so they can make happy childhood memories and build brighter futures. This is achieved with our stress-busting respite breaks, educational breaks, Outreach programme, Wellbeing Fund and Pastoral Service – all of which help tailor a unique journey for each individual child. Thank you Cocorose for your continued support in the most creative and meaningful ways."